IRI repurposed a 21,600 sq. ft. WWII airplane hangar to store snow removal and deicing trucks and mixing and storage of deicing fluids.
Scope included:
- Removed and replaced the roof including replacement of 4 large steel beams, historically accurate tongue and groove boards, insulation, Oriented Strand Board (OSB), and EDPM roofing.
- Removed and replaced 40-foot high hangar doors with suitable doors for large snow removal and deicing trucks rather than airplanes
- Install mixing system, stainless steel piping, and 20,000 gallon Storage Tanks for Urea and E36 DeIcing Fluids
- Remediation of contaminated soil from the historic use of building discovered while installing new drainage trenches
- Installation of a new drainage system, bathroom, compressed air system, diesel fueled boilers, electrical, and general plumbing in the building.
IRI utilized Small Disadvantaged businesses for this project.